As a photo booth owner you look for durable and easy set up essentials. That's where our prop holders and stands come in handy. These two styles of prop holders are designed to keep your props neat and tidy, so you can focus on guest and capturing the best moments at your photo booth. Both of these prop holders are great options for any photo booth set up. Choose the style that works best for you!

The first style is a straight prop holder with dowel dividers that separate your props. This prop holder is made from plastic and comes in either white or gray color options. The dowel dividers ensure that your props stay in place and don't roll around.

The second style of prop holder is a ladder with slots and dividers for your props. This prop holder is made from wood and comes in black, white, and natural wood color options. The slots and dividers allow your props to stack up, giving you height and making it easy to see all of your props at once.

Madera Booth
Madera Booths